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Business Philosophy

Integrity and trust
We have experienced the rapid development of technologies throughout the last few decades while maintaining a space that our customers trust. We cooperate with many R&D teams and we sign confidential contracts to ensure that we will not outsource R&D information. We will not promise ourselves to our customers easily but once we promise, we will do our best.
To cooperate with customer needs, we have diverse materials to choose from, such as materials with high heat resistance, high heat dissipation, and high winding. We will discuss with our customers and choose the best solution.
Customer is our priority
The success of our customers will also be Shinyi’s success.
Open management system
We create an environment that is open to communication and we are happy to accept the opinions of our colleagues and improve ourselves.
We offer an instant quote service that allows you to save on the inquiry time and understand the market price. It also allows us to know your needs more quickly and respond to the quote immediately.Fill out the quotation form and our dedicated staff will serve you as soon as possible.